The invitation in Spanish
The invitation in Italian
Net Presence and necessity tangent. Δίκτυο Παρουσίας και εφαπτόμενη ανάγκη.
«Net Presence and necessity tangent»

International exhibition
«Infinity Art»

(Exhibition photos)


International group exhibition
Sala Prado, Ateneo de Madrid
Madrid, Spain

From the press release of the exhibition:

(in Italian and English)

Infinity Art brings together the different languages that give life to reflections and emotions that only art is able to convey, works in which the emotional state of the artist detaches himself from reality and resumes contact with spirituality.


Infinity Art

A cura di Anna Isopo Sala espositiva Prado 19

Ateneo de Madrid C/ Prado 19 | Madrid
17 – 29 luglio 2021

Anna Isopo di Arte Borgo Gallery presenta presso la prestigiosa Sala Prado dell’Ateneo de Madrid la nuova rassegna dal titolo Infinity Art. In mostra le opere di quaranta artisti internazionali che propongono lavori in cui prevale la sensibilità degli autori.

Infinity Art riunisce i diversi linguaggi che danno vita a riflessioni ed emozioni che solo l’arte riesce a trasmettere, opere in cui lo stato emotivo dell’artista si stacca dalla realtà e riprende il contatto con la spiritualità. Una mostra in cui l’arte infinita unisce culture differenti ed è considerata elemento di relazione e connessione tra artisti e osservatori.

L’Arte infinita diventa un connubio tra passato e presente in cui si fonde l’anima storica delle sale bicentenarie dell’Ateneo, da sempre luogo di predilezione per gli artisti, con la contemporaneità delle opere.

Anna Isopo of Arte Borgo Gallery presents the new exhibition entitled Infinity Art at the prestigious Sala Prado of the Ateneo de Madrid. On display the works of forty international artists who propose works in which the sensitivity of the authors prevails.

Infinity Art brings together the different languages that give life to reflections and emotions that only art is able to convey, works in which the emotional state of the artist detaches himself from reality and resumes contact with spirituality. An exhibition in which infinite art unites different cultures and is considered an element of relationship and connection between artists and observers.

Infinite Art becomes a combination of past and present in which the historical soul of the bicentennial halls of the University, which has always been a favorite place for artists, merges with the contemporaneity of the works.

International exhibition «Infinity Art» - Photosnikos