Διεθνής έκθεση «Lifeline»

(Φωτογραφίες από την Έκθεση)


Διεθνής ομαδική έκθεση
στη Biblioteca Angelica, Piazza Navona
Ρώμη, Ιταλία

Κείμενο | Monica Ferrarini

Each form of art is born from emotion, and it’s emotion itself. But it’s also intimate research, quest and knowledge of oneself and the world around us.



In a difficult and delicate historical moment, which resulted in a disruption of our daily lives, creating a psychological distress and a lack of certainties, art comes in help, giving us that necessary hope to start a process of rebirth and change.

The artistic expression, in all its shapes, becomes possibility of a liberation from intimate struggles, a reward for hidden desires, stimulus for the senses, and enables these to flow freely with imagination. The artwork becomes a bridge between the objective and subjective reality, which is able to capture and render obvious all those invisible elements that so have to do with the meaning of life.

Each form of art is born from emotion, and it’s emotion itself. But it’s also intimate research, quest and knowledge of oneself and the world around us. A cathartic means to revisit the real, tool that allows to rejoin oneself in order to reach a truth that’s both subjective and universal.

Monica Ferrarini
Art Historian – Curator

Διεθνής έκθεση «Lifeline» - Φωτογραφίεςnikos